Siqi Cao

Hey! This is Siqi, an incoming Ph.D. student in the Attention and Cognitive Control Lab (ACClab) led by Nick Yeung and based in Oxford, Dept. Experimental Psychology. I am studying cognitive neuroscience in social learning for consistent self-improvement. How do people tradeoff between the utilization of social strategy for short-term efficiency and long-term self-development by consistently making more effort or progressing? Heeeeey, try to be more self-reliant, and gain fulfillment and happiness by progressing! It is tough, though, and works significantly for some people who will eventually face, respect, and love themselves through this runway. Of course, other ways are left for you elsewhere! Anyways, hope you find a wonderful self-peace at the end/beginning of a day.





Interactive experience and expectation show different fairness preferences.

Interpersonal interaction affects people's decision-making progress. Being accepted by others is one of the most basic social needs. Nevertheless, social exclusion undermines the basic need of belonging to a social group and dampens positive and sustainable social connections. The two opposite interpersonal relationships further impact social behavior in distinct patterns observed through fairness preference demonstration. The current study is designed to investigate how different types of social interaction (social exclusion/social inclusion) contribute to fairness preferences for people of different interactive opportunities (former partner/future partner). Specifically, how interactive targets in an economic game influence fairness-related decisions from the perspective of a third party, as targets are who shared unique previous experiences with us or a new partner to communicate with.
